Infinite supply of love

Love is not meant to be held back,

dished out discriminately and meagrely.

Love is meant to flow effortlessly,

generously and inclusively.

You do not have to save it like money in the bank

or worry that it will run out and you will have no more to give.

Love is abundant, an infinite supply always available. 


Love is who you are and the one beside you. 

Open yourself up and LOVE.

In wonder

I sit with you in wonder,

looking out, drinking in the beauty that surrounds.

We are here.

We are in our knowing that all is of the Oneness.

As we watch the unfoldment, the sun rises and falls,

day passes into night.

All is silent as the rebirthing begins.

We are witnessing the revolving circle of time.


*photo by Jasper Boer

Receptivity and Grace

“Today’s message is a gift. A gift from my heart to yours and beyond. This exchange of energy that I am giving with love will be received over and over for eternity. As you become the perfect vessels of receptivity you are, more light can filter in and through. This allows for the clearing of anything that is no longer serving your highest good. Allow for this process and be open to receive. That is the key. Being in a state of grace keeps you open to your inheritance and allows you to step into the power of your True Self. Being who you are powerfully will illumine all those around you inspiring them to shine their lights brightly. And so it goes, one after another, receiving, amplifying, illumining and sharing until you all stand in your brilliance. The light explores itself through you-magnifies, adjusts and then illumines more of what is needed. You are transformers. As you transform the light you are you expand and rise until the day you meet yourself, the God within.”  in partnership with Yeshua 

*photo by Ben White

Bless and Commend

Each time my mind moves into judgement I use it as an opportunity to turn it into a blessing. I drop down into my heart and send out love in the form of this attunement…

                  “I am Word through the one I see before me. Word I am Word.

                   I know who you are in truth. I know what you are in truth.

                   I know how you serve in truth. You are free. You are free. 

                   You are free.” The Guides through Paul Selig

  As you bless, you are blessed in return, the Divine witnessing the Divine.


I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today the message is both powerful and necessary. The love that you are is seeking to move back home. For many eons, like teenagers, you left to seek your own way other than the parent but now it is time to be in reunion. You have had your growth as separate individuals in the human experience . You have experienced different lifetimes exploring duality, feeling what it was like to forget your inheritance. Now the time has come to move back into kinship and embrace each other as the family you truly are. You are all from the same mother/father and you are loved equally and unconditionally. There is not one that is not welcome and I am waiting for the time that we can celebrate our Oneness, the beauty of wholeness. Let us bring the time near when you may travel back into my heart and feel the love that I have for you. Surrender and in so doing you become the precious lights that you are, brilliant diamonds each and every one of you.” in partnership with God

*Photo by Timon Studler