Energetic maintenance

We are made up of energy and our energy affects others. 

I am responsible for the energy field that surrounds me so I try to maintain a field as calm, loving and coherent as possible. Energetic maintenance is a daily routine for me, I thought I would share some of my practices.

       GROUNDING: I try to ground at least once a day. I especially like doing it right before a meditation and before going to sleep. I sit up straight, my hands are palms down on my legs and I am barefoot. I say with reverence,

 “Dear Mother Gaia, I extend my roots with love, appreciation and gratitude. Please anchor them to the depth that is for my highest and greatest good. Thank you.” I visualize my energy flowing out through my feet.

       ENERGETIC CLARITY: This exercise was given by Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young.

“Find a spark in your centre that is the divine essence of you and allow that golden spark to grow and grow until it fits your entire body with beautiful sparking golden light. Once you have your entire body filled, pull it out until it extends arm’s length in front of you, behind you, beside you, over your head and under your feet.”

        HEART-FOCUSED BREATHING: This is a HeartMath technique that I use throughout my day. It helps keep me open, present and in a state of ease.

I focus my attention to the area of the heart. I imagine my breath flowing in and out of my heart or chest area, breathing a little slower and deeper than usual. I continue this for a few minutes either with my eyes closed or open.

      MORNING SHOWER: Each morning I commune with the water. I honour its life-giving essence and ask for any healing it has to offer me. I use this time to be in gratitude for the water, my body and Source.


From my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message is to bring you all to the next level where you can now imagine how you want to live versus how you are living. You are responsible for what you encounter in your daily life and this is wonderful news. This allows you to change or alter any aspect that you wish. As you step into your mastery, you will bring to you the experiences that you call in. These come from your thoughts and you can control your way of thinking. You can bring to you things, feelings, experiences, people & places by being present and imagining that you have already received what you are wishing for.

This tool of manifestation will be your power in 2020. As you play with this ability God gifted you, you will be delighted not only in your sovereignty but in the results. Enjoy and pay attention to what shows up in your life so that you can witness the Divine in action. It is truly remarkable and noteworthy when you receive what you have called in. And as your awareness of your ability to do this expands so will your power. Choose your thoughts wisely, bring to you what you desire and allow the rest to fall away peacefully and in ease.”  in partnership with Archangel Gabrielle

I am worthy of my love

It seems like I am writing the same message over & over and yet this is what keeps coming up. Clearly, I am still learning what self-love truly means. 

Until I fully realize that every aspect of myself is worthy of my love, I will out-picture that judgement onto others. 

In each moment, I will offer myself love, listen to my heart and allow my God essence its full expression. 

Falling in love with myself, I fall in love with you.


Step out of your shadow and bask in your sunSHINE.

It is time to bask in our light. To love and accept ourselves in our entirety. To let go of judgement and be in peace. 

As our boundaries dissolve, our light shines brighter, it illumines and our hearts lead us home.


You are one with Source, always. You are not separate. You are never alone.

You are one with Source, always. You are not separate. You are never alone.