Holding harmony and peace in your heart

This message is a response to a question I asked about disharmony. I offer it from my heart to yours with love.

“Today you seek to find the part of you that is drifting above the whole and not part of the whole. You are feeling separate from your fellows and although this is not true you are feeling misunderstood anyways. This is the personality side needing to be seen, validated, heard. And yet, it is not necessary to receive this acknowledgement/affirmation because you already know that it is not for another to give you. Being true to yourself and communicating what is in your heart does not need to be accepted or applauded. You are as they are. When you are truthful and show up, you then allow them to do the same even if they can’t or won’t at the time. They are also struggling to understand their lives and circumstances and it is their needs that they put in the forefront not yours. So, when you feel misunderstood, clarify if needed but accept them as they are. Let them “be” and love them anyways. The secret to harmony is to stand amidst the mayhem, and trust that everything is as it is to support growth both individually and collectively. Do not make someone wrong for how they feel and do not make yourself wrong for how you feel. Trust in the potential for harmony and peace. Hold it in your heart, your core, your systems and know the time will come when your life/your reality will project this. It may not look like anything you have ever seen or known but it will reflect the love you feel and the seed you’ve planted. Live it on the inside, know it to be true and then see how it blossoms in your life. No need to do anything else, we will do it for you.” in partnership with God.

*photo by Steinar Engeland

To be

   If you find yourself struggling with your beliefs, history or ways of doing things…..let go. Let go of resistance to the possibility of a new idea, a new approach and a new response. Allow yourself to be led to your highest expression. It is waiting for you to open and receive. Your beingness is all that is necessary to embody the divine within. Your allowance, the choice to surrender the old, births the new. 
 Life is moments of unlimited potential, ready to be experienced. 

Loving messages

  Your True Self, Angels and guides are always available to you. Trust that they are there and ask for higher wisdom. Their messages will be loving and non-judgemental, never fearful. We are loved and supported, always.

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“The time has come to put away the thoughts of old and embrace the new entering your life. These are times where bringing the old energies and thought forms/patterns forward into the now moment allows for a continuation of what no longer holds truth. It plays over a remembrance born with past feelings that taint the memory and perpetuate an idea that has run its course. When you sit in the present moment with an open heart of reception, love is able to blossom. You are witnessing the potential of the “new” birthing. This happens through your witnessing God in everything and everyone. Softer eyes, allowance and acceptance supports each one, creating beauty and majesty. This takes less effort than you think. No words are necessary, kindness permeates. Stay in your heart and when you move up into your mind, redirect.  You are all loved. Draw from this well. It is always full.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Soroush Karimi

We are becoming whole (2nd. Version)

My True Self 
will set me free.
My small self
does not agree.
It blocks my view
so I won’t see 
this aspect 
of the Creator 
in me. 

me separate,
dimming my light,
holds on tight.
Playing roles
that wish to please
but in the end,
creates unease.
Sitting upon a
self-made throne,
seeking control
and feeling alone.

The ego mind
cannot define
this part of me
in sovereignty.
It holds onto
its desperate rule,
using confusion 
as a powerful tool.

The wise heart 
sees through 
all defences.
It reassures and 
pulls down fences 
that secretly hide 
my spark inside.
Its gentle voice
encouraging me 
to fully surrender
so I can BE
in joyful

In love and trust,
my small self 
To the God within,
she humbly 
And so it’s done,
two selves 
become One.
Whole and free,
braided together 
in unity.

“I Have Come. I Have Come. I Have Come.” Melchizedek through Paul Selig

*this poem is a second attempt to describe realization.
The first version is the post “Whole and Free” on July 9th, 2021.

The heart is your home

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message allows us to come together in a joyful, loving way and share our hearts as One. The heart is your home. It is a place inside your vessel that holds a part of you that shines eternally. This place is always available to light you up. To bring you into a blissful state where Divine connection can be felt and experienced. You can become proficient, an expert at bringing yourself into this state of being through diligence and practice. Spending time with your heart, allowing the messages of wisdom to be heard and honouring your feelings will always renew you. You can depend on this safe haven making your heart a welcoming place by opening it up like petals of a flower blooming. Imagine a young bud tightly closed and as it matures, each petal loosens, opens, until it is in full blossom. Your heart is similar and as you open up to the beauty within you, all the love, wisdom and grace flows forth and fills you up. You are home, safe, comfortable, content and peaceful. And in the comfort of your home, your life unfolds before you to entertain and teach for your enjoyment. “ in partnership with Yeshua

HeartMath breathing technique: Drop your attention to your heart or chest area. Breathe a little slower and deeper (4 to 5 sec) through your heart like a column of air. Do this for a few minutes with eyes opened or closed. If you attention moves back up to your mind, gently bring it back down to your heart. 

Colourful beings

of colour
we are
moving, shifting
brilliant shades

moments painted
on living canvasses
changing landscapes
within fields 
of divergent

bright bursts
with muted
we are
the whole spectrum
light to dark

beautiful array
of infinite possibilities 
splattered at first
gently becoming
our masterpiece