The Golden Age

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message resonates and reverberates across many eons and many dimensions. It is a coming of age that we have been waiting for and we have always known it will be here at this time. You have all decided to be present to welcome in this new age and you are all ready to step into your roles and be the shining light that you are. This time does not come around often. This is the beginning of a golden age and it will continue for some time. Many of you have paved the way in past lifetimes and you were the ones to bear witness to many ills and untruths. But this was the way of the journey and it was through this experience that we can now come out the other side and into the light. Do not judge the experience because this was what was chosen and now you are choosing differently. Be aware of your thoughts and only align with what resonates within your being. Try not to be fooled into thinking you know all that is being shown but instead sit neutrally in the knowledge that the truth always surfaces especially in these times. So for now, rest in your hearts, rest in knowing that we are on track and that everything is unfolding in Divine order and timing. We are with you every step of the way.” in partnership with Yeshua 

*photo by Johnny McClung

I allow. I allow. I allow.

Being in a sate of non-resistance allows Divine energies to integrate effortlessly filling in the spaces of your being with light and love. These energies support your well-being and growth. Being in a state of allowance opens you up to receive whatever is for your highest and best. 

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

  I Receive. I Receive. I Receive.

  I Allow. I Allow. I Allow.”  The Guides through Paul Selig

Genuine sight

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“You will be going away to spend time in nature. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the beauty and grace that will surround you. Now as you gaze in appreciation and love at the trees, rocks, lake and animals I would like to remind you that it is not only beautiful things that are worthy of your love and appreciation. Whether you are on holiday in a natural setting or stuck in a city sweating it out, everything is of me. And when you can acknowledge the Divine in all matter and offer it your appreciation and gratitude, you will know that you have arrived at a place of genuine sight. Does the sewers and the pavement not add value to your life? Do they not make your life easier? When you can see that everything that is within your framework of existence is worthy of your attention and appreciation for how it graces your life then you will be in a state of unconditional acceptance of all things. This state of love allows everything to shimmer and glow. You create the kingdom with your eyes, your attention, your appreciation and your witness of its true nature.” in partnership with God

*photo by Anastasia Dulgier

One family

I offer you this message from my heart to yours with love.

“ Today we dream. The dream we are all in is the one of enlightenment. As you become your higher/True selves, the rest of your brothers and sisters also rise in the expansive energies that are being brought through. What is happening on Earth is happening far and wide throughout the galaxies, the Universe. We are all invested in seeing Earth rise to her potential and beyond. Now it might seem that we are looking at your evolution with more interest than we would otherwise but that is actually not the case. Whether we benefit or not, witnessing the blessings of unfoldment at this time is a celebration and a joy. There are many of your soul families, supporting, guiding and encouraging you. This is what family does and we are all one family. So let us reassure you that you cannot get anything wrong, that each place you all stand in is perfect for your journey and evolution. Allow yourselves this time to grow and see it as a way of connecting not only with your own true nature but to your soul families and to each other.”🙏

*photo by Josh Gordon


As feelings swirl around me, I witness the inevitability of letting go, of retrieving and releasing. I am no longer the person I was a minute ago. Each time I stop holding on, the new surfaces. Not better, not worse. 

The mind tries to make sense and to limit me. But I keep breaking free. 

I move down to my heart, breathe in love to calm my systems and listen to the gentle whisperings reminding me that we are becoming.