I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“The choice you have is the one placed before you in the moment. That is where your focus/attention needs to be in order for you to build a life that you wish to experience. Many of you look ahead and stay there, not truly understanding that it is in the moment you sit in that gets you there. We encourage you to try and stay present understanding that we are bringing things/thoughts/ people/events that will help you achieve what you most desire to experience and learn. That is how it works, you imagine or dream about adventure, nature, fun, growth etc…and then your many helpers stitch together a roadmap. You then choose in real time how you will proceed to your destination. It is beautiful to witness when you are in the flow, receptive, open to all the blessings/opportunities that are laid out in front of you. And when there is a break, a respite, then you know it is time to rest, go within, heal and listen to the messages/wisdom of your heart. We recommend that in each moment, you stay alert, aware and honour where you are. It is just one step/moment after another. Trust that the destination that you are travelling to is getting closer and closer until one day you will arrive. And then you will seek a new destination. It is an evergoing journey to enjoy.” in partnership with God
*photo by Javier Allegue Barros