“As we gaze around us, everything moves more into focus, our eyes are opening to the presence of what is before us. We start seeing more clearly. Our vision is sharpening and as we look towards the future, all that we have created is seen anew. This vision, this clarity, can help bring to us the very things we have lost sight of in the past. When we hold our attention through our strong focus, things transform into new vehicles of light. Our sight allows the dance of creation to flow through our days as we get to experience the roles of observer/witness and creator all at the same time. This sight holds our attention long enough to make changes that are needed and as things evolve/build, the new stands tall. Our vision allows and creates the shifts to come. So look closely at what is before you and allow the beauty it holds to metamorphosize into the very thing that you wish for.”
*photo by eberhard grossgasteiger