Change. Growth. Peace.

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message is one of peace. Peace for yourself and for the greater whole. This peace reverberates throughout the Universe like a great tolling bell. It is calling you to open your hearts to one another.  Allow this gift of feeling to soothe, heal and create a sense of well-being. This ease allows you to rest in trust, calms your systems and supports all forward movement. It helps you see the road ahead as incremental steps into the unknown. There is fun, adventure, joy, beauty and tremendous creativity waiting for you. 

You will be able to witness a new world birthing and through your witness, evolution of your species will take a giant leap. Through your witnessing, the people around you will step into their freedom/sovereignty and choose a path that is the highest and best for all. This is a coming together in a collective, conscious way inorder for the world to be in change, growth and peace. You are calling this to you. Be the change. Be the growth. Be the peace you wish to experience.” 🙏

You are Divine expression

This weekend we honour and celebrate our mothers and the loving, nurturing qualities of the divine feminine.

 The word “honour” keeps coming up for me. It means “regard with great respect.” We are Divine expression and if we cannot honour who and what we truly are then how can we honour each other? How can we honour God?

So try to nurture yourself, give yourself your attention, awareness and acceptance. Honour yourself. And then honour your mothers and all the beautiful souls that offered you their nurturance and love throughout your life. 

What are you reflecting?

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message is about bringing in the “tomorrows” that you all wish to create. This happens in the present moment as it births the next by what you are reflecting. You are beautiful mirrors and whatever reflection you are shining out, the Universe responds by showing up in the exact same way. If you are fearful, the Universe will bring those fears to you. If you are joyful, the Universe shows up ready to play and have fun. So, as you spend your time in your homes now, practice your awareness as to the image you are broadcasting. Watch yourself, as an observer, and like an actor in a story, choose to play the role you really wish to experience. Try it. Play with it. Play at being abundant, powerful, joyful and know that you are creating the next page, the next chapter. You don’t have to think about the plot or how the story will end. You can just show up for the adventure, calling to you the wonderful experiences you choose to express in.”      
 In partnership with Yeshua

In truth

I felt into the collective this morning and I felt fear of the unknown, uncertainty. What will we be without our institutions, the people who tell us what to do, where to go, what to think?

  This time is showing us how to move from moment to moment in our being-ness. It is a practice run. What does freedom feel like? There is nowhere we “need” to be. What do we want to do? Where does our attention go? We are getting a taste so when the times comes, we can emerge in our Sovereignty… “knowing who we are, what we are and how we serve.”*

There is no-thing to fear.

*”I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am free. I am free. I am free.” an attunemmet of the True self from The Guides through Paul Selig 

The Bright Queen

I offer this fable from my heart to yours with love.

Once upon a time in a faraway country there lived a queen. Now this was no ordinary queen, no, this was a very bright queen. She was the smartest in all the land and she could answer any question and explain anything at the snap of your fingers. People would come from all over the world to ask her their questions and when she gave them the answers they were very happy. So happy in fact, that they would reward her with anything her heart desired. Now the queen always wished for just one thing. She asked them to go and teach everything they learned. She wanted them to share their knowledge so it could benefit the whole village. Each time she answered a question she would always finish with … “and let them all know.”

  Over time the questions became harder but the queen was always able to offer the answer, and over the many years the people in all the villages became smarter & smarter. Until one day there were no more questions. They were all able to find the answers themselves. And the queen was able to live happily ever after enjoying her garden and having fun.

The End.

It begins with our knowing

Imagine the feeling of being loved and appreciated. Sit there a moment and drink it in.

Now imagine that there is one person who has decided that they don’t like you. That how you express doesn’t resonate with them and they let you know. 

Sit in that feeling of disharmony a moment. 

This happens to us daily and we allow our self-worth to seesaw up and down depending on other people.

What if, instead of giving our power away, we choose to give ourselves the love and appreciation we desire. To KNOW that we are perfect, unique expressions of the Divine. That our self-worth is only dependent on our own acknowledgement and unconditional acceptance of who and what we are. 

What if we allow others to express the way they want to, knowing that they too, are unique, perfect aspects of Source. 

The world would be in love, harmony and peace.🙏