Honouring yourself

This message came through me and I offer it from my heart to yours with love.

“Dear Ones, today’s message is about being in a state of denial. This happens whenever you do not honour the true nature of your feelings and allow circumstances to throw you off your game. Whenever this happens, stuck emotions can result and that usually creates repercussions in your health & wellbeing. So, whenever a situation arises that throws you for a loop, take a moment and acknowledge how you are feeling. This allows you to understand how something has affected you. It also gives you the opportunity to offer yourself the care and attention you might need. Some circumstances can trigger you but once you stop and acknowledge how you feel that creates a larger opportunity for a different perspective. By honouring yourself you allow a space to develop where your wisdom can move in to lead you forward. Honouring yourself is always the best place to begin. This will allow your feelings a safe place to come out, to surface. Denial unfortunately never solves anything because you eventually will have to face the very thing you are pushing away. So, you might as well face the challenging circumstances so that you can move into the solution your intuitive wisdom is leading you to.” Archangel Gabrielle

Accessing intuition

This message came through me and I offer it from my heart to yours with love.

“For some of you, intuition is very easy to access but for others it can be challenging. When you are in your mind a lot and not receiving the cues & messages from either your heart or higher self, there can be a crossing of lines, so to speak. Your mind is telling you one thing while your gut is speaking another language. There are many ways your intuition is being brought to you, through your body, your chakras, your causal body, your energy field and your higher self. To integrate all this information you must be present, aware & alert, not solely in your mind. Every part of you must be working together. When this happens, all the cues are easily understood and a clear vision appears. This is your “knowing”. There is never a question attached to it just an understanding of the next step forward. When this happens you are clear thinking, calm and aware that you are operating at a higher level and you generally trust the movement forward. It is not tentative but a wholehearted approach or decision. Generally, this happens once in awhile but you are now moving into the energies that support this way of being. More & more of you will start accessing and living from your intuitive wisdom rather than your mind and this will bring about much needed change. The most helpful way to stay within your intuitive senses is to be in the present moment, relaxed, open and connected to what is happening, what is being said and how you are feeling. It is through your feelings that the messages can start coming in. Always check in with yourself and trust that you have everything you need to understand and to move forward in any given moment. Your higher self is always leading the way if you allow it to  be so.” God

Heart whisperings

As I was critically looking at myself in the mirror this morning I heard…

“you are a masterpiece, you are all masterpieces”. 

I felt a wave of love and appreciation that I joyfully pass onto you.

The idea of happiness

This message came through me and I offer it from my heart to yours with love.

“Today is a good day to ponder the idea of happiness. This seems to be what everyone is striving for, the end goal of a life well lived. But really, how does one define happiness? Each person has their own set of agenda that determines what makes them feel good, what lifts them up and what brings them forward in joy.  So, as we look at each other, we are looking at them with eyes that are shielded by the truth of who and what they are. We are looking through a distorted idea of what they should do, say, think because we are trying to shape them into our package so that we can “feel good, be happy” with them. And the ones that do not conform to this idea of our wellbeing, are pushed away and seen as unworthy of our time & attention. But what if we did not have any set idea of what “being happy” is? What if whatever we were feeling in the moment is what creates our wellbeing? So, if you are angry or sad, you don’t view this as a bad day but a time to go within and offer love and care to yourself. An opportunity to understand what might be going on within yourself. A time for reflection and then a release so that you can choose another feeling, consciously, heartfully aware of the desire to “feel” a different way. Would this not be a little easier? To just allow yourself to”be” without judgement of whether it is good or bad? Feeling “happy” can be limiting if that is the only experience you want. Embrace the full spectrum of emotions. It will help you understand yourselves and others more.” with love and care, Yeshua

Coming home

Sometimes I catch myself off on a wild goose chase, my mind out of control thinking about the past or future. I take a conscious breath bringing myself back into the now. My attention drops to my heart and I’m home.

Starting your day

This message came through me and I offer it from my heart to yours with love.

“I have a loving message of peace and joy today. Each day as you wake up, start your day with the intention to connect with your fellows and with us, your guides and friends. See everyone as your family and be excited to witness all with the eyes of God. Know that when you do this you become a walking blessing and everyone who comes into contact with you lifts with that acknowledgement. You are One with all that you see and when you witness the Divine it does the same to you. You become blessed wherever you go and everyone/everything is held anew. Understanding this is your inheritance. This is who and what you are. Joy permeates your life and each day becomes a new adventure into the unknown, the Kingdom. From that vantage point, your life unfolds into the dream you make it to be. You create the experience from a place of inclusiveness. Everyone is met, embraced by your light and is then helped to lift within their lives. Everyone becomes a walking blessing, peace spreads and joy infuses your day. This idea of Oneness becomes a reality as we see each other as extensions of the God within. Let us all come together to celebrate who we truly are – beautiful expressions of the Divine.” Yeshua