I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We have gathered here today at the time of the equinox to download sublime, loving and healing energies to you. Open yourselves up to receive them for they are a gift. Accept them in with gratitude and allow them to soothe, heal and love all aspects of yourselves that are struggling in this moment. Trust that we are with you, beside you, guiding you, supporting you and offering our love at every opportunity. You can feel us if you open yourself up to believe in our Oneness. And even though you are isolating in the physical realm, we are all together in the etheric realm. Know that whatever your needs are they will be met in the moment. Call to you the very things that you wish to experience and trust/know that they will show up in Divine timing. Be in your intention and trust that how things/events play out are for the highest and best for all. We are there with you, beside you in love and peace.” in partnership with Archangel Gabrielle