Darkened rooms,
doors locked,
captive secrets
that shame and shock.
Hidden away,
to be seen,
and redeemed.
Time to explore
these aspects of you,
you calmly unlock
and bravely walk through.
This part of your story
is there to tell,
as is the glory
that’s you as well.
Light floods in
as you open the door,
nothing inside
wishes to hide.
Memories of lives
trying to survive,
to share feelings felt
and lessons dealt.
Once found,
uncovered with care,
the beauty within
is ready to share.
Rooms are all lit,
a welcoming home,
a loving portal
into the unknown.
Your heart offers comfort,
a nourishing meal
to guests that arrive,
ready to heal.
Stories are told,
their words supported,
experiences accepted
and we are transported
into their world
where we get to feel
their woe and joy
that is so real.
Light and dark
seen anew,
all aspects of us
are whole and true.