I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“It can be easy to forget that we are one family-brothers and sisters, ALL. It can be easy to forget that the illusion of separation is only on this plane of existence. That there are other realms, dimensions, that we are all as ONE. It can be easy to forget that love is our natural state of being when we are in resistance & fear. So, it is not surprising when we become easily combative, frustrated and confused with one another.
After saying this, I can offer another perspective, a new way of being. Each morning, spend a few moments contemplating the beauty that exists around you. Look at the sky, the clouds, take in the trees and the animals and try to see the Divine in the sights before you. Once you start there, in appreciation of the beauty you behold, it is then easier to gaze upon your sisters and brothers with this softer lens. To see the beauty in another allows the one seen to feel loved and honoured. It is then easier to move into a space of kinship, camaraderie and enjoyment for no other reason but for their company. When you do not have to agree or be on the same side, it can be easier to see them as beauty full and with that, they bloom. Once we are seen, it can be easier to remember we are family. We are brothers and sisters. It can be easier to remember that we are love. It can be easier to extend the smile/hand to another as long as we are open, non-resistant and caring. Both ways of being are easy to slip in and out of once you are aware that you are the ones choosing. Do you wish to live in fear & separation or love & kinship?” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by vnwayne fan