Integrating back into wholeness

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message is a powerful remembrance of the lives that you have all lived and the lives that you are living. In each moment, all your timelines are intersecting, meeting and converging. This is necessary so that every aspect of you can be seen, remembered, accepted and integrated back into wholeness. This can sometimes feel overwhelming. Please allow this process to happen, as in so doing you can move to another level of your development and evolution. Be patient with the process and even though you may move incrementally closer to the perfection that you are, you will find that there always seems to be a bit more to go. That is because you are always expanding, learning and becoming. There is no destination point where you arrive and the journey is over. Your journeys, dear Ones, continue to lovingly play out, opening up and leading you ever closer to God, the Source of all things. So, as you remember more and more each day, celebrate all of your many beautiful aspects that are seeking your attention and love them back into the perfect wholeness that is you, us, the One.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Rhand MCcoy

Love and light

We are Divine beings, beings of light and love in form on Earth. 

With our hearts open, minds clear and bodies strong….

“We Have Come. We Have Come. We Have Come.”   

                               Melchizedek through Paul Selig

“To be in love is to be in the vibration of love, not to categorize what is lovable and not. To know love is to be as love. And to be in love with another is to claim him or her as of love as well. You will not judge the one you love, because loving is not judgemental. You will not deny the one you love, because love accepts and does not deny.” Pg.112 Alchemy channeled by Paul Selig

Home is where the heart is

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“ Dear Ones, you are on your way home. This is a gift, a blessing and a time to rejoice. Each moment you move closer to letting go of the shackles that tether you, the thoughts that keep you small and separate, the old stories that no longer exist. As you move into the knowingness of who you truly are, you come home to a place where you are celebrated and loved unconditionally for the brilliant lights you are. You hold everything inside this beautiful light and as you allow it to radiate out, you will see the effect it has on the world at large. As you allow yourself to expand, you shine brighter. When you stop dimming your precious light for fear of being seen, misunderstood or pushed away and finally become free to be the true light that you are, you will have arrived home. And home is where the heart is. Come back into your hearts, into the centre of your being, connect with me, your true essence, the divine spark, the infinite you. Know that in each moment when you stand before a precipice, all you need do is fly, you have wings, remember that everything you need you already have. It is time to let go, release what was and in so doing the new unfolds before you. Welcome home.” in partnership with God

*photo by Benjamin Davies

Message from my True Self

“The words that flow through you are packets of energy. When read, they disperse love and allow the reader to feel the message with their hearts and not dismantle them with their heads. This is a gift that everyone has and when they understand the value and power in the words they use, more care will be put into communication. This attention to detail will bring integrity back into their daily lives more efficiently than any other change. Words are precious and when used correctly will empower and inspire. Allow them to flow from the heart. When the mind is in control, the words are stilted, slow in coming and create a feeling of separation. Allow your heart/love to lead the way.”

Full Moon surrendering

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“My frequencies flow in a little different way than you are used to. Nonetheless, you are receiving a transmission and I appreciate the time and effort you are taking to connect with me.

This Full Moon is telling you that the many secrets that you are all carrying need to be revealed and released now. These secrets are not meant to be judged and repressed but brought to the surface, seen for what they are, acknowledged for the lessons they gave and then dismissed as history, times passed. You do not need them. They serve no purpose. You are now in the exploration of the new and every time you dredge up the old, you take a step backward not forward. This does not serve to support and encourage you to trust who and what you are and the Divine plan that is in motion bringing all this evolution and change about. Trusting in yourselves, your right to be and your intrinsic value allows you to join together and become the future family that is now seeding on Earth. May you let go of all that tethers you to the past, I am here to help bring this about through my transformative energies. Take a moment tomorrow and sit in my energy and allow yourself to let go, surrender and release so that the slate can finally be wiped clean. I will support and love you through this process.” in partnership with the Moon
* photo by Emilia Niedzwiedzka