Moving beyond limitation

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We stand with you in your struggle against injustice. We are helping smooth your frayed emotions by energetically supporting you during this time of uncovering, recognizing, releasing and moving beyond limitation. Now is the time for you to acknowledge everything that is holding you back. These are not necessarily outside structures, some of these restrictions you hold within your systems. Now is the time to free yourself and rise above fear and limitation to become the true essence that is your Divine birthright. This is who you truly are and the need to experience separation is no longer valid. You can allow yourself to move into your sovereignty and power. As you do so, you will be supported wherever you stand and the forward movement you take will be more in ease & flow. No more pushing against but instead a steady ascending, a leaving behind and an embracing of the unknown. Take each day as it comes, move gracefully and know that you are loved, supported and guided towards your next adventure.”  in partnership with Archangel Gabrielle

Heart connection

We are One.

 One heart. 

Our heart is the doorway to our Divine essence. That aspect within all of us that is of God, eternal. This is our connection point. If we allow our heart to lead, it will move us forward in love and compassion. It will guide us to peace and harmony. Through our heart we will create a kind, inclusive and accepting world. Where all benefit, are safe and in their power. 

   As we become the love that we truly are and join together, our heart will beat as one.

EnJOY yourself

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Joy is my language. It is how I communicate through you. Find joy and you have found me. Wherever you are there is always something that can bring joy to your heart. Everywhere and at anytime, joy is ever present. It may seem difficult to imagine when your circumstances are challenging but I am always there, in joy, in love. Always ready to lift you, shield you and soothe you. Joy opens your heart and allows your experience to brighten. Look for it, feel for it. You don’t have to go far to find it. 

  Play with me. Watch how your life unfolds in magical ways. Don’t wait for the”right” time to enjoy yourself. Don’t wait for your circumstances to shift in order to have fun. Fun will shift your circumstances. No matter what is going on in your life there is always time to treat yourself to an experience that makes you glow from the inside out. Allow yourself this and your life will be an adventure with joy and wonder woven through it.” in partnership with God

We are free.

It is time.

It is time to accept responsibility for what we see before us. 

It is time to look within and to acknowledge the prejudices that we hold.

It is time to let go of all shame and judgement. 

It is time to be who we truly are…powerful, free, individuated aspects of Source in manifestation.

It is time to witness the Divine in all our sisters and brothers.

It is time to be the change we want to see in the world.

I am, we are, God is…one light shining bright.🙏

The qualities of love

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Let’s explore the qualities we use when we love. Love is an all encompassing feeling but it can be broken down into the beautiful qualities we use to move us into this feeling. When we see others with eyes that reflect compassion & kindness, when we can see the God in each fellow human being and when we can accept them with open arms- that is love. That is when we can feel love that we can share and celebrate with each other. It is not possessive or conditional. It does not explain or ask anything of the other. It just exists, surrounding yourself and all that you come into contact with, like a mist from heaven. It permeates and feeds the heart with a fuel that fans your Divine spark/flame. And it is yours to give and receive. 

  Each day allow yourself to honour that part of you that shows up with these qualities no matter what you are experiencing. Allow yourself to spread this beautiful birthright, this heavenly mist…love.” in partnership with Yeshua

In joy

For most of my life I have been so serious. Serious in my seeking, being a good student and doing my homework diligently. But now, I am shaking off my spiritual shackles. I wish to experience through fun, joy and wonder. My Divine expression wants to soar, untethered to opinions, judgements and the old. I am choosing to be a conduit of love and wisdom. And I am doing this with joy in my heart.